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Student Sea Level Change Studio Projects

Since 2011, Dr. Chanse and her students have investigated sea level rise adaptation and more recently, climate adaptive streets in Wellington, New Zealand as part of a design investigation in landscape design studios.

Travis 1
Elisabeth 1
Travis 2
Travis 4
Elisabeth 3

Facilitating Flooding and Evacuation by MLA Student Elisabeth Walker

Travis 3

Redesign of Causeway by MLA Student Travis Wierengo

SAMPLE PROJECT: Oxford, MD: In 2013, the University of Maryland MLA students collaborated with the University's Environmental Finance Center (EFC) to explore sea level rise impacts and solutions for the town of Oxford, MD. The town of Oxford has only one road into town, the Causeway. Some of the student projects examine the area around the causeway. Other students investigated a second parcel of land in Oxford to look at potential adaptation strategies. This project was awarded first place in the 2013 Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission Smart Growth Student Challenge. Student submission (Student team: Amy Marin, Elisabeth Walker, Adriana Mendoza, Nancy Britt, and Travis Wierengo) for Oxford Studio Design Project.
To see more student work on this project, please view the full report:
Student Design Investigations for Dorchester County & Oxford, MD

© 2022 Vikki Chanse

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